
We CreatorStudio Pro to provide an option for school professionals to create great yearbooks efficiently and cost-effectively for their schools. We have invested millions and refined our secure HTML5-based technology over the course of 7 years to provide a cloud-based yearbook platform where you can upload images, organize your yearbook project, and design pages from the ease of any computer and from any browser, anywhere in the world. We believe that every school deserves a yearbook and to help make that happen we want to provide the best software to the top school professionals to help make that happen.

CreatorStudio Pro is used by dozens of professional school photographers, commercial printers, and yearbook companies from around the world as their solution to create yearbooks. We support having your own creative templates and clip-art so you can make the software your own. Our online store allows each school to customize and personalize their shopping experience like no other online store for yearbooks in the world.

We welcome you to learn more about our services and how CreatorStudio Pro can help you build your yearbook business…

  • Tori Martorina Wolsky

    General Manager

    I am the General Manager and have been with Creator Studio Pro for 8 years. I am a passionate Yerd and love all things yearbooks. I believe that yearbooks are the most important expression of a school's story and provide a history of their year, preserving it for generations to come.

    I live in Boston, MA with my husband and two dogs. When I'm not yerding out I'm knee-deep in house renovations and traveling.

  • Rhi Cornelius

    Customer Account Manager

    I have been in the yearbook industry for 6 years; I first got into the yearbook industry via a passion for photography, and I love the written word, so what job would better suit me than a combination of the two?

    I have worked with every aspect of the yearbook process—from portraits to technical support, production to shipping. I truly love seeing a project from the beginning stages all the way through to completion, and I am very dedicated to helping my customers to the finish line, whatever it takes.

  • Stephanie Meade

    Director of Wholesale Partnerships

    Prior to becoming the Director of Wholesale Partnerships I spent 3 years in yearbook sales. I have become well acquainted with yearbook software and the obstacles that our clients have faced while creating their projects—particularly during the COVID quarantine.

    I am a huge advocate of providing exceptional service to my accounts and building a solid relationship with my clients! Similarly, I am sure that you look for the same in your schools, and I'm dedicated to helping you to achieve this goal.